Welcoming You To Your Inner Journey!

Hi I'm Nicole!  Founder & CEO of Earth Angels Academy.

Welcome Beautiful Soul! 🙌

Thank you for joining me here at Earth Angels Academy this is the place where you will find all of my offerings - Complimentary & Premium.

A Pathway to Feeling Calm, Connected and Worthy

My mission is to be a guiding light for highly empathic women, providing a safe place to explore your essence, healing what no longer serves you and start to embody your inner light.

Sensitivity is not a weakness and not something you need to shy away from or explain.  I am passionate to teach you ways to embody your sensitivity like the strength that it is and have the wisdom and strategies to drink from the well of your inner light.

I am a Spiritual Teacher, Intutitive Counsellor & Certified EFT Practitioner specialising in supporting Empaths & Highly Sensitive Women, I empower you to unlock and embrace the light of your inner world.

I look forward to being your guiding light and supporting you on your inner healing journey.

Available Classes


Welcome to Earth Angels Academy!

This is the one-stop platform to access all my complimentary and premium offers and where you will be able access all the products and services you enrol in.

In this class I will take you through a tour and tutorial of how to use this platform that Earth Angels Academy is hosted on.

Click on "Get Started" to go through the tour without signing up or

Click on "Access Now" to go through the tour and join my community

Let's get going

Angel Blessings,



Have you had the experience of there never being enough money?

Looking around you at the experiences of other people, be it family, friends or strangers.  Thinking to yourself "why is it that they all seem to have plenty, yet I never seem to have enough".

I understand that feeling, I used to experience that too....

What if there was a way that you could start to experience abundance in your life too?

Click on learn more button below.


It is time to remember your Divine Right of Abundance

The relationship you have with money has a massive effect on how money shows up or doesn’t show up in your life.

Life experiences can cause energetic blockages and show up in ways such as beliefs that you hold that are then causing your relationship with money to be one that is not ideal.

In this 5-part healing experience you are going to start on your journey to healing your relationship with money, and releasing beliefs that are not serving you.

In this series we will tap into what that story is for you.

Are you ready to learn why money is eluding you?

Your Money Mindset is the Key to Unlocking your Abundance.


Your Intuition is your lifeline to connect to your Spirit Guides, Angels, Loved ones and Cosmic Team.

In this digital course: Awaken Your Intuitive Senses

I will teach you four different inner senses to start to master your intuition.


Create Your Year Workshop is a beautiful supportive way to start the New Year.

I support you to release old energy from the year that has gone, to make space for the energy of the new year.

I take you on a journey to meet with your Guardian Angel to receive your word or theme of the year.

I teach you a fun activity to embody your word or theme of the year with a digital vision board.

Women's Healing Circle

A Sacred Online Healing Container of Connection and Alignment

A monthly opportunity of devotion, devoting time to yourself and your wellbeing in Mind, Body & Soul.

How Does It Work?

I host an online monthly women’s circle on Zoom, on a Thursday each month under the power of the full moon.

The energy of the Full Moon aids in deeper introspectionconnection and healing.

Each month is themed in connection with the astrological sign the full moon is residing in and under the guidance of the Archangel of the Month.

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